Ampersand |
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What is translated > Tokens > Ampersand By means of an ampersand Delphi keywords can be used as identifiers, e.g. \Embarcadero\Studio\19.0\source\rtl\win\winrt\WinAPI.ShlObj.pas line 11032:
type tagDROPDESCRIPTION = record &type: TDropImageType;
or \Embarcadero\Studio\19.0\source\rtl\win\winrt\WinAPI.CommCtrl.pas line 1429:
&type: UINT;
The Delphi2Cpp II pre-processor and parser can reckognize such tokens as identifiers, but the translation will result in type names that are forbidden in C++:
UINT &type;
There are four possibilities to handle such cases:
Another example is in \Embarcadero\Studio\19.0\source\rtl\win\winrt\WinAPI.DataRT.pas line 598:
property &Implementation: Xml_Dom_IXmlDomImplementation read get_Implementation;
\rtl\win\winrt\WinAPI.Devices.pas line 6078:
property &Function: Word read get_Function;
\rtl\win\winrt\WinAPI.CommonTypes.pas line 138/439/544/6163...
Inside of the class TParallel in System.Threading there are a lot of overloaded "&For" functions.
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