C++ code for other compilers |
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Pretranslated C++ code > Delphi RTL/VCL > C++ code for other compilers The code for Visual C++ in "..\Delphi2Cpp\Source\VisualC" uses the specific property extension of this compiler, while properties are eliminated completely in the code for other compilers in "..\DelphiXE2Cpp11\Source\Other". The code consists in .cpp and .h files with the following names. The names denote the subject of the files. The most important of these files is d2c_system, which provides basic functions like "High" and "Succ" etc. The other files also are supplementing missing parts of System.pas and other helper functions. The include directives of needed files are inserted into the generated code automatically by DelphiXE2Cpp11.
The complete code also contains:
and an rtl-folder with the pre-translated files of the Delphi RTL |
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