array of const for C++Builder

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What is translated > Types > Arrays > Array parameters > array of const > array of const for C++Builder


For C++Builder the value of an array of const is represented by two values: a pointer to a TVarRec and the index of the last element of the array, which begins at the position which the pointer points to.



procedure foo(Args : array of const);




void __fastcall foo (  TVarRec* Args, const int Args_Size );



When such a functions is called with a set as argument, the macro ARRAYOFCONST is used into the C++ output.


foo(['hello', 'world']);   ->  foo (  ARRAYOFCONST(( "hello", "world" )) );


This macro is defined for the C++Builder  as:


#define ARRAYOFCONST(values) 





The class OpenArray<TVarRec> is constructed in a manner, that it's address is equal to the pointer TVarRec* used in the signature of foo above.


There is a small difference between Delphi and C++Builder concerning character pointers  like 'abc'. In Delphi 'abc' is stored as VUnicodeString, at C++Builder the TVarRec constructor for character pointers is used and therefore the value is stored as VPWideChar.




    procedure foo(const constArray : Array of const)


    case constArray[i].VType of

      vtPChar:      pac := constArray[i].VPChar;

      vtPWideChar:  pwc := constArray[i].VPWideChar;

      vtAnsiString: sa := AnsiString(constArray[i].VAnsiString);

      vtWideString: sw := WideString(constArray[i].VWideString);

      vtUnicodeString: su := UnicodeString(constArray[i].VUnicodeString);


    // Delphi: foo8['abc') => su = 'abc';

    // C++Builder: foo8['abc') => pwc = 'abc';





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