Constructor delegation

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What is translated > Types > Records, Classes, Interfaces > Class > Constructors > Constructor delegation


A constructor can call another constructor in it's body:



  TFoo = class(TBase)


    constructor Create(s : string); overload;

    constructor Create(b : PChar; l : integer); overload;






constructor TFoo.Create(s : string);


  inherited Create;

  Create(PChar(s), length(s))




A direct translation of the constructor definition would look like:


TFoo::TFoo(String s)


  TFoo(ustr2pwchar(s), s.size()),



However, this does not the same as in Delphi. In C++ the call of the second constructor in the body of the first only creates a temporary local second TFoo object, which has no effect to the current instance. But in C++11 there is the new feature to call the second constructor instead of an initialization list 



TFoo::TFoo(String s)

 : TFoo(ustr2pwchar(s), s.size())  //# delegation





Though this construction doesn't work for C++98 compiler, Delphi2Cpp nevertheless translates the code in this way too, because there is no gneral alternative solution. For C++98 the code has to be post-processed manually.







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