overloading conversion operators

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New features since Delphi 7 > Operator Overloading > conversion operators



The translation of the Delphi conversion operators depends on the direction of the conversion. The case, that a class instance is converted to another type is similar to the unary operators.



class operator TMyClass.Implicit(a: TMyClass): Integer;


  myint : integer;


  myint:= a.payload;

  Result:= myint;




In C++ there is no parameter. A modified copy of the class instance itself is returned instead. All occurrences of the parameter are substituted by this in C++. So the code above becomes to:



TMyClass::operator int () const


  int result = 0;

  int myint = 0;

  myint = this->payload;

  result = myint;

  return result;




If the other way round another type is converted to the class, the operator has to be converted to a class constructor in C++. For example:



class operator TMyClass.Implicit(a: Integer): TMyClass;


  returnrec : TMyClass;


  returnrec.payload:= a;

  Result:= returnrec;




Becomes to:



TMyClass::TMyClass(int A)


  //#   TMyClass returnrec = {0};

  this->payload = A;

  *this = *this;




Therefore there isn't a return value in C++ and all occurrences of result in the Delphi code have to be substituted by this in C++.


For explicit operators simply the keyword explicit has to be added to the C++ declarations.


explicit operator int () const

explicit TMyClass(int A)








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