d2c_syshelper |
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Pretranslated C++ code > Delphi RTL/VCL > C++ code for C++Builder > d2c_syshelper d2c_syshelper is a translation of the helper classes from System.SysUtils for C++Builder. These classes are needed sometimes to be able to translate other Delphi code, where functions from the helper classes are used.
struct TStringHelper { TStringHelper(UnicodeString& Helped) : m_Helped(Helped) {} TStringHelper(const UnicodeString& Helped) : m_Helped(const_cast<UnicodeString&>(Helped)) {} private: enum TSplitKind {StringSeparatorNoQuoted, StringSeparatorQuoted, CharSeparatorNoQuoted, CharSeparatorQuoted }; Char __fastcall GetChars(int Index) const; int __fastcall GetLength() const; static bool __fastcall CharInArray(const Char C, const Char* InArray, int iMaxIndex); TArray<String> __fastcall InternalSplit(TSplitKind SplitType, const Char* SeparatorC, int SeparatorC_maxidx, const String* separators, int separators_maxidx, Char QuoteStart, Char QuoteEnd, int Count, TStringSplitOptions Options); int __fastcall IndexOfAny(const String* Values, int Values_maxidx, int& Index, int StartIndex); int __fastcall IndexOfAnyUnquoted(const String* Values, int Values_maxidx, Char StartQuote, Char EndQuote, int& Index, int StartIndex); int __fastcall IndexOfQuoted(const String Value, Char StartQuote, Char EndQuote, int StartIndex); static int __fastcall InternalCompare(const String StrA, int IndexA, const String StrB, int IndexB, int LengthA, int lengthb, bool IgnoreCase, TLocaleID LocaleID); static int __fastcall InternalCompare(const String StrA, int IndexA, const String StrB, int IndexB, int LengthA, int lengthb, TCompareOptions Options, TLocaleID LocaleID); static unsigned long __fastcall InternalMapOptionsToFlags(TCompareOptions AOptions); public: static const WideChar Empty[]; // = L""; // Methods static String __fastcall Create(Char C, int Count); static String __fastcall Create(const Char* Value, int Value_maxidx, int StartIndex, int Length); static String __fastcall Create(const Char* Value, int Value_maxidx); static int __fastcall Compare(const String StrA, const String StrB); static int __fastcall Compare(const String StrA, const String StrB, TLocaleID LocaleID); static int __fastcall Compare(const String StrA, const String StrB, bool IgnoreCase); //deprecated 'Use same with TCompareOptions'; static int __fastcall Compare(const String StrA, const String StrB, bool IgnoreCase, TLocaleID LocaleID); //deprecated 'Use same with TCompareOptions'; static int __fastcall Compare(const String StrA, const String StrB, TCompareOptions Options); static int __fastcall Compare(const String StrA, const String StrB, TCompareOptions Options, TLocaleID LocaleID); static int __fastcall Compare(const String StrA, int IndexA, const String StrB, int IndexB, int Length); static int __fastcall Compare(const String StrA, int IndexA, const String StrB, int IndexB, int Length, TLocaleID LocaleID); static int __fastcall Compare(const String StrA, int IndexA, const String StrB, int IndexB, int Length, bool IgnoreCase); //deprecated 'Use same with TCompareOptions'; static int __fastcall Compare(const String StrA, int IndexA, const String StrB, int IndexB, int Length, bool IgnoreCase, TLocaleID LocaleID); //deprecated 'Use same with TCompareOptions'; static int __fastcall Compare(const String StrA, int IndexA, const String StrB, int IndexB, int Length, TCompareOptions Options); static int __fastcall Compare(const String StrA, int IndexA, const String StrB, int IndexB, int Length, TCompareOptions Options, TLocaleID LocaleID); static int __fastcall CompareOrdinal(const String StrA, const String StrB); static int __fastcall CompareOrdinal(const String StrA, int IndexA, const String StrB, int IndexB, int Length); static int __fastcall CompareText(const String StrA, const String StrB); static String __fastcall parse(const int Value); static String __fastcall parse(const __int64 Value); static String __fastcall parse(const bool Value); static String __fastcall parse(const long double Value); static bool __fastcall ToBoolean(const String s); static int __fastcall toInteger(const String s); /// <summary>Class function to Convert a string to an Int64 value</summary> static __int64 __fastcall ToInt64(const String s); static float __fastcall ToSingle(const String s); static double __fastcall ToDouble(const String s); static long double __fastcall ToExtended(const String s); static String __fastcall LowerCase(const String s); static String __fastcall LowerCase(const String s, TLocaleOptions LocaleOptions); static String __fastcall UpperCase(const String s); static String __fastcall UpperCase(const String s, TLocaleOptions LocaleOptions); int __fastcall compareTo(const String StrB); bool __fastcall contains(const String Value); static String __fastcall Copy(const String Str); //void __fastcall CopyTo(int sourceIndex, Char* Destination, int Destination_maxidx, int DestinationIndex, int Count); void __fastcall CopyTo(int sourceIndex, OpenArrayRef<WideChar> Destination, int DestinationIndex, int Count); int __fastcall CountChar(const Char C); String __fastcall DeQuotedString(); String __fastcall DeQuotedString(const Char QuoteChar); static bool __fastcall EndsText(const String ASubText, const String AText); bool __fastcall endsWith(const String Value); bool __fastcall endsWith(const String Value, bool IgnoreCase); bool __fastcall Equals(const String Value); static bool __fastcall Equals(const String A, const String B); static String __fastcall Format(const String Format, const TVarRec* Args, int Args_maxidx); int __fastcall GetHashCode(); int __fastcall IndexOf(Char Value); int __fastcall IndexOf(const String Value); int __fastcall IndexOf(Char Value, int StartIndex); int __fastcall IndexOf(const String Value, int StartIndex); int __fastcall IndexOf(Char Value, int StartIndex, int Count); int __fastcall IndexOf(const String Value, int StartIndex, int Count); int __fastcall IndexOfAny(const Char* AnyOf, int AnyOf_maxidx); int __fastcall IndexOfAny(const Char* AnyOf, int AnyOf_maxidx, int StartIndex); int __fastcall IndexOfAny(const Char* AnyOf, int AnyOf_maxidx, int StartIndex, int Count); /// <summary>Index of any given chars, excluding those that are between quotes</summary> int __fastcall IndexOfAnyUnquoted(const Char* AnyOf, int AnyOf_maxidx, Char StartQuote, Char EndQuote); int __fastcall IndexOfAnyUnquoted(const Char* AnyOf, int AnyOf_maxidx, Char StartQuote, Char EndQuote, int StartIndex); int __fastcall IndexOfAnyUnquoted(const Char* AnyOf, int AnyOf_maxidx, Char StartQuote, Char EndQuote, int StartIndex, int Count); String __fastcall Insert(int StartIndex, const String Value); bool __fastcall IsDelimiter(const String Delimiters, int Index); bool __fastcall IsEmpty(); static bool __fastcall IsNullOrEmpty(const String Value); static bool __fastcall IsNullOrWhiteSpace(const String Value); static String __fastcall JOIN(const String separator, const TVarRec* Values, int Values_maxidx); static String __fastcall JOIN(const String separator, const String* Values, int Values_maxidx); // todo static String __fastcall JOIN(const String separator, IEnumerator<String>* const Values); // todo static String __fastcall JOIN(const String separator, IEnumerable<String>* const Values); static String __fastcall JOIN(const String separator, const String* Values, int Values_maxidx, int StartIndex, int Count); int __fastcall LastDelimiter(const String delims); int __fastcall LastIndexOf(Char Value); int __fastcall LastIndexOf(const String Value); int __fastcall LastIndexOf(Char Value, int StartIndex); int __fastcall LastIndexOf(const String Value, int StartIndex); int __fastcall LastIndexOf(Char Value, int StartIndex, int Count); int __fastcall LastIndexOf(const String Value, int StartIndex, int Count); int __fastcall LastIndexOfAny(const Char* AnyOf, int AnyOf_maxidx); int __fastcall LastIndexOfAny(const Char* AnyOf, int AnyOf_maxidx, int StartIndex); int __fastcall LastIndexOfAny(const Char* AnyOf, int AnyOf_maxidx, int StartIndex, int Count); String __fastcall PadLeft(int TotalWidth); String __fastcall PadLeft(int TotalWidth, Char PaddingChar); String __fastcall PadRight(int TotalWidth); String __fastcall PadRight(int TotalWidth, Char PaddingChar); String __fastcall QuotedString(); String __fastcall QuotedString(const Char QuoteChar); String __fastcall Remove(int StartIndex); String __fastcall Remove(int StartIndex, int Count); String __fastcall replace(Char OldChar, Char NewChar); String __fastcall replace(Char OldChar, Char NewChar, TReplaceFlags ReplaceFlags); String __fastcall replace(const String OldValue, const String NewValue); String __fastcall replace(const String OldValue, const String NewValue, TReplaceFlags ReplaceFlags); TArray<String> __fastcall split(const Char* separator, int separator_maxidx); TArray<String> __fastcall split(const Char* separator, int separator_maxidx, int Count); TArray<String> __fastcall split(const Char* separator, int separator_maxidx, TStringSplitOptions Options); TArray<String> __fastcall split(const Char* separator, int separator_maxidx, int Count, TStringSplitOptions Options); TArray<String> __fastcall split(const String* separator, int separator_maxidx); TArray<String> __fastcall split(const String* separator, int separator_maxidx, int Count); TArray<String> __fastcall split(const String* separator, int separator_maxidx, TStringSplitOptions Options); TArray<String> __fastcall split(const String* separator, int separator_maxidx, int Count, TStringSplitOptions Options); TArray<String> __fastcall split(const Char* separator, int separator_maxidx, Char Quote); TArray<String> __fastcall split(const Char* separator, int separator_maxidx, Char QuoteStart, Char QuoteEnd); TArray<String> __fastcall split(const Char* separator, int separator_maxidx, Char QuoteStart, Char QuoteEnd, TStringSplitOptions Options); TArray<String> __fastcall split(const Char* separator, int separator_maxidx, Char QuoteStart, Char QuoteEnd, int Count); TArray<String> __fastcall split(const Char* separator, int separator_maxidx, Char QuoteStart, Char QuoteEnd, int Count, TStringSplitOptions Options); TArray<String> __fastcall split(const String* separator, int separator_maxidx, Char Quote); TArray<String> __fastcall split(const String* separator, int separator_maxidx, Char QuoteStart, Char QuoteEnd); TArray<String> __fastcall split(const String* separator, int separator_maxidx, Char QuoteStart, Char QuoteEnd, TStringSplitOptions Options); TArray<String> __fastcall split(const String* separator, int separator_maxidx, Char QuoteStart, Char QuoteEnd, int Count); TArray<String> __fastcall split(const String* separator, int separator_maxidx, Char QuoteStart, Char QuoteEnd, int Count, TStringSplitOptions Options); bool __fastcall startsWith(const String Value); bool __fastcall startsWith(const String Value, bool IgnoreCase); String __fastcall SubString(int StartIndex); String __fastcall SubString(int StartIndex, int Length); bool __fastcall ToBoolean(); int __fastcall toInteger(); /// <summary>Converts the string to an Int64 value</summary> __int64 __fastcall ToInt64(); float __fastcall ToSingle(); double __fastcall ToDouble(); long double __fastcall ToExtended(); TArray<Char> __fastcall ToCharArray(); TArray<Char> __fastcall ToCharArray(int StartIndex, int Length); String __fastcall ToLower(); String __fastcall ToLower(TLocaleID LocaleID); String __fastcall ToLowerInvariant(); String __fastcall toupper(); String __fastcall toupper(TLocaleID LocaleID); String __fastcall ToUpperInvariant(); String __fastcall Trim(); String __fastcall TrimLeft(); String __fastcall TrimRight(); String __fastcall Trim(const Char* TrimChars, int TrimChars_maxidx); String __fastcall TrimLeft(const Char* TrimChars, int TrimChars_maxidx); String __fastcall TrimRight(const Char* TrimChars, int TrimChars_maxidx); String __fastcall TrimEnd(const Char* TrimChars, int TrimChars_maxidx)/*# 'use trimright' */; String __fastcall TrimStart(const Char* TrimChars, int TrimChars_maxidx)/*# 'use trimleft' */; __property Char Chars[int Index] = { read = GetChars }; __property int Length = { read = GetLength }; private: UnicodeString& m_Helped;
struct TSingleHelper {
TSingleHelper(float& Helped) : m_Helped(Helped) {} TSingleHelper(const float& Helped) : m_Helped(const_cast<float&>(Helped)) {} private: UInt8 __fastcall InternalGetBytes(unsigned int Index) const; UInt16 __fastcall InternalGetWords(unsigned int Index) const; void __fastcall InternalSetBytes(unsigned int Index, const UInt8 Value); void __fastcall InternalSetWords(unsigned int Index, const UInt16 Value); UInt8 __fastcall GetBytes(unsigned int Index) const; UInt16 __fastcall GetWords(unsigned int Index) const; unsigned __int64 __fastcall GetExp() const; unsigned __int64 __fastcall GetFrac() const; bool __fastcall GetSign() const; void __fastcall setbytes(unsigned int Index, const UInt8 Value); void __fastcall SetWords(unsigned int Index, const UInt16 Value); void __fastcall SetExp(unsigned __int64 NewExp); void __fastcall SetFrac(unsigned __int64 NewFrac); void __fastcall SetSign(bool NewSign); public: static const float epsilon; // = 1.4012984643248170709e-45F; static const float MaxValue; // = 340282346638528859811704183484516925440.0F; static const float MinValue; // = -340282346638528859811704183484516925440.0; static const float PositiveInfinity; // = 1.0F / 0.0F; static const float NegativeInfinity; // = -1.0F / 0.0F; static const float NaN; // = 0.0F / 0.0F; int __fastcall Exponent(); long double __fastcall Fraction(); unsigned __int64 __fastcall mantissa(); __property bool sign = { read = GetSign, write = SetSign }; __property unsigned __int64 Exp = { read = GetExp, write = SetExp }; __property unsigned __int64 Frac = { read = GetFrac, write = SetFrac }; TFloatSpecial __fastcall SpecialType(); void __fastcall BuildUp(const bool SignFlag, const unsigned __int64 mantissa, const int Exponent); String __fastcall toString(); String __fastcall toString(const TFormatSettings& AFormatSettings); String __fastcall toString(const TFloatFormat Format, const int Precision, const int Digits); String __fastcall toString(const TFloatFormat Format, const int Precision, const int Digits, const TFormatSettings& AFormatSettings); bool __fastcall IsNan(); bool __fastcall IsInfinity(); bool __fastcall IsNegativeInfinity(); bool __fastcall IsPositiveInfinity(); __property UInt8 Bytes[unsigned int Index] = { read = GetBytes, write = setbytes }; // 0..3 __property UInt16 Words[unsigned int Index] = { read = GetWords, write = SetWords }; // 0..1 static String __fastcall toString(const float Value); static String __fastcall toString(const float Value, const TFormatSettings& AFormatSettings); static String __fastcall toString(const float Value, const TFloatFormat Format, const int Precision, const int Digits); static String __fastcall toString(const float Value, const TFloatFormat Format, const int Precision, const int Digits, const TFormatSettings& AFormatSettings); static float __fastcall parse(const String s); static float __fastcall parse(const String s, const TFormatSettings& AFormatSettings); static bool __fastcall TryParse(const String s, float& Value); static bool __fastcall TryParse(const String s, float& Value, const TFormatSettings& AFormatSettings); static bool __fastcall IsNan(const float Value); static bool __fastcall IsInfinity(const float Value); static bool __fastcall IsNegativeInfinity(const float Value); static bool __fastcall IsPositiveInfinity(const float Value); static int __fastcall Size(); private: float& m_Helped;
struct TDoubleHelper { TDoubleHelper(double& Helped) : m_Helped(Helped) {} TDoubleHelper(const double& Helped) : m_Helped(const_cast<double&>(Helped)) {} private: UInt8 __fastcall InternalGetBytes(unsigned int Index) const; UInt16 __fastcall InternalGetWords(unsigned int Index) const; void __fastcall InternalSetBytes(unsigned int Index, const UInt8 Value); void __fastcall InternalSetWords(unsigned int Index, const UInt16 Value); UInt8 __fastcall GetBytes(unsigned int Index) const; UInt16 __fastcall GetWords(unsigned int Index) const; unsigned __int64 __fastcall GetExp() const; unsigned __int64 __fastcall GetFrac() const; bool __fastcall GetSign() const; void __fastcall setbytes(unsigned int Index, const UInt8 Value); void __fastcall SetWords(unsigned int Index, const UInt16 Value); void __fastcall SetExp(unsigned __int64 NewExp); void __fastcall SetFrac(unsigned __int64 NewFrac); void __fastcall SetSign(bool NewSign); public: static const double epsilon; // = 4.9406564584124654418e-324; static const double MaxValue; // = 1.7976931348623157081e+308; static const double MinValue; // = -1.7976931348623157081e+308; static const double PositiveInfinity; // = 1.0 / 0.0; static const double NegativeInfinity; // = -1.0 / 0.0; static const double NaN; // = 0.0 / 0.0; int __fastcall Exponent(); long double __fastcall Fraction(); unsigned __int64 __fastcall mantissa(); __property bool sign = { read = GetSign, write = SetSign }; __property unsigned __int64 Exp = { read = GetExp, write = SetExp }; __property unsigned __int64 Frac = { read = GetFrac, write = SetFrac }; TFloatSpecial __fastcall SpecialType(); void __fastcall BuildUp(const bool SignFlag, const unsigned __int64 mantissa, const int Exponent); String __fastcall toString(); String __fastcall toString(const TFormatSettings& AFormatSettings); String __fastcall toString(const TFloatFormat Format, const int Precision, const int Digits); String __fastcall toString(const TFloatFormat Format, const int Precision, const int Digits, const TFormatSettings& AFormatSettings); bool __fastcall IsNan(); bool __fastcall IsInfinity(); bool __fastcall IsNegativeInfinity(); bool __fastcall IsPositiveInfinity(); __property UInt8 Bytes[unsigned int Index] = { read = GetBytes, write = setbytes }; // 0..7 __property UInt16 Words[unsigned int Index] = { read = GetWords, write = SetWords }; // 0..3 static String __fastcall toString(const double Value); static String __fastcall toString(const double Value, const TFormatSettings& AFormatSettings); static String __fastcall toString(const double Value, const TFloatFormat Format, const int Precision, const int Digits); static String __fastcall toString(const double Value, const TFloatFormat Format, const int Precision, const int Digits, const TFormatSettings& AFormatSettings); static double __fastcall parse(const String s); static double __fastcall parse(const String s, const TFormatSettings& AFormatSettings); static bool __fastcall TryParse(const String s, double& Value); static bool __fastcall TryParse(const String s, double& Value, const TFormatSettings& AFormatSettings); static bool __fastcall IsNan(const double Value); static bool __fastcall IsInfinity(const double Value); static bool __fastcall IsNegativeInfinity(const double Value); static bool __fastcall IsPositiveInfinity(const double Value); static int __fastcall Size(); private: double& m_Helped;
struct TExtendedHelper { TExtendedHelper(long double& Helped) : m_Helped(Helped) {} TExtendedHelper(const long double& Helped) : m_Helped(const_cast<long double&>(Helped)) {} private: UInt8 __fastcall InternalGetBytes(unsigned int Index) const; UInt16 __fastcall InternalGetWords(unsigned int Index) const; void __fastcall InternalSetBytes(unsigned int Index, const UInt8 Value); void __fastcall InternalSetWords(unsigned int Index, const UInt16 Value); UInt8 __fastcall GetBytes(unsigned int Index) const; UInt16 __fastcall GetWords(unsigned int Index) const; unsigned __int64 __fastcall GetExp() const; unsigned __int64 __fastcall GetFrac() const; bool __fastcall GetSign() const; void __fastcall setbytes(unsigned int Index, const UInt8 Value); void __fastcall SetWords(unsigned int Index, const UInt16 Value); void __fastcall SetExp(unsigned __int64 NewExp); void __fastcall SetFrac(unsigned __int64 NewFrac); void __fastcall SetSign(bool NewSign); public: static const long double epsilon; // = 4.9406564584124654418e-324L; static const long double MaxValue; // = 1.7976931348623157081e+308L; static const long double MinValue; // = -1.7976931348623157081e+308; static const long double PositiveInfinity; // = 1.0L / 0.0L; static const long double NegativeInfinity; // = -1.0L / 0.0L; static const long double NaN; // = 0.0L / 0.0L; int __fastcall Exponent(); long double __fastcall Fraction(); unsigned __int64 __fastcall mantissa(); __property bool sign = { read = GetSign, write = SetSign }; __property unsigned __int64 Exp = { read = GetExp, write = SetExp }; __property unsigned __int64 Frac = { read = GetFrac, write = SetFrac }; TFloatSpecial __fastcall SpecialType(); void __fastcall BuildUp(const bool SignFlag, const unsigned __int64 mantissa, const int Exponent); String __fastcall toString(); String __fastcall toString(const TFormatSettings& AFormatSettings); String __fastcall toString(const TFloatFormat Format, const int Precision, const int Digits); String __fastcall toString(const TFloatFormat Format, const int Precision, const int Digits, const TFormatSettings& AFormatSettings); bool __fastcall IsNan(); bool __fastcall IsInfinity(); bool __fastcall IsNegativeInfinity(); bool __fastcall IsPositiveInfinity(); __property UInt8 Bytes[unsigned int Index] = { read = GetBytes, write = setbytes }; // 0..7 or 0..9 __property UInt16 Words[unsigned int Index] = { read = GetWords, write = SetWords }; // 0..3 or 0..4 static String __fastcall toString(const long double Value); static String __fastcall toString(const long double Value, const TFormatSettings& AFormatSettings); static String __fastcall toString(const long double Value, const TFloatFormat Format, const int Precision, const int Digits); static String __fastcall toString(const long double Value, const TFloatFormat Format, const int Precision, const int Digits, const TFormatSettings& AFormatSettings); static long double __fastcall parse(const String s); static long double __fastcall parse(const String s, const TFormatSettings& AFormatSettings); static bool __fastcall TryParse(const String s, long double& Value); static bool __fastcall TryParse(const String s, long double& Value, const TFormatSettings& AFormatSettings); static bool __fastcall IsNan(const long double Value); static bool __fastcall IsInfinity(const long double Value); static bool __fastcall IsNegativeInfinity(const long double Value); static bool __fastcall IsPositiveInfinity(const long double Value); static int __fastcall Size(); private: long double& m_Helped;
struct TByteHelper { TByteHelper(unsigned char& Helped) : m_Helped(Helped) {} TByteHelper(const unsigned char& Helped) : m_Helped(const_cast<unsigned char&>(Helped)) {} static const int MaxValue; // = 255; static const int MinValue; // = 0; String __fastcall toString(); bool __fastcall ToBoolean(); String __fastcall ToHexString(); String __fastcall ToHexString(const int MinDigits); float __fastcall ToSingle(); double __fastcall ToDouble(); long double __fastcall ToExtended(); static int __fastcall Size(); static String __fastcall toString(const unsigned char Value); static unsigned char __fastcall parse(const String s); static bool __fastcall TryParse(const String s, unsigned char& Value); private: unsigned char& m_Helped;
struct TShortIntHelper { TShortIntHelper(signed char& Helped) : m_Helped(Helped) {} TShortIntHelper(const signed char& Helped) : m_Helped(const_cast<signed char&>(Helped)) {} static const int MaxValue; // = 127; static const int MinValue; // = -128; String __fastcall toString(); bool __fastcall ToBoolean(); String __fastcall ToHexString(); String __fastcall ToHexString(const int MinDigits); float __fastcall ToSingle(); double __fastcall ToDouble(); long double __fastcall ToExtended(); static int __fastcall Size(); static String __fastcall toString(const signed char Value); static signed char __fastcall parse(const String s); static bool __fastcall TryParse(const String s, signed char& Value); private: signed char& m_Helped;
struct TWordHelper {
TWordHelper(WORD& Helped) : m_Helped(Helped) {} TWordHelper(const WORD& Helped) : m_Helped(const_cast<WORD&>(Helped)) {} static const int MaxValue; // = 65535; static const int MinValue; // = 0; String __fastcall toString(); bool __fastcall ToBoolean(); String __fastcall ToHexString(); String __fastcall ToHexString(const int MinDigits); float __fastcall ToSingle(); double __fastcall ToDouble(); long double __fastcall ToExtended(); static int __fastcall Size(); static String __fastcall toString(const WORD Value); static WORD __fastcall parse(const String s); static bool __fastcall TryParse(const String s, WORD& Value); private: WORD& m_Helped;
struct TSmallIntHelper {
TSmallIntHelper(short int& Helped) : m_Helped(Helped) {} TSmallIntHelper(const short int& Helped) : m_Helped(const_cast<short int&>(Helped)) {} static const int MaxValue; // = 32767; static const int MinValue; // = -32768; String __fastcall toString(); bool __fastcall ToBoolean(); String __fastcall ToHexString(); String __fastcall ToHexString(const int MinDigits); float __fastcall ToSingle(); double __fastcall ToDouble(); long double __fastcall ToExtended(); static int __fastcall Size(); static String __fastcall toString(const short int Value); static short int __fastcall parse(const String s); static bool __fastcall TryParse(const String s, short int& Value); private: short int& m_Helped;
struct TCardinalHelper { TCardinalHelper(unsigned int& Helped) : m_Helped(Helped) {} TCardinalHelper(const unsigned int& Helped) : m_Helped(const_cast<unsigned int&>(Helped)) {} /* for LongWord type too */ static const int MaxValue; // = 4294967295; static const int MinValue; // = 0; String __fastcall toString(); bool __fastcall ToBoolean(); String __fastcall ToHexString(); String __fastcall ToHexString(const int MinDigits); float __fastcall ToSingle(); double __fastcall ToDouble(); long double __fastcall ToExtended(); static int __fastcall Size(); static String __fastcall toString(const unsigned int Value); static unsigned int __fastcall parse(const String s); static bool __fastcall TryParse(const String s, unsigned int& Value); private: unsigned int& m_Helped;
struct TIntegerHelper {
TIntegerHelper(int& Helped) : m_Helped(Helped) {} TIntegerHelper(const int& Helped) : m_Helped(const_cast<int&>(Helped)) {} /* for LongInt type too */ static const int MaxValue; // = 2147483647; static const int MinValue; // = -2147483648; String __fastcall toString(); bool __fastcall ToBoolean(); String __fastcall ToHexString(); String __fastcall ToHexString(const int MinDigits); float __fastcall ToSingle(); double __fastcall ToDouble(); long double __fastcall ToExtended(); static int __fastcall Size(); static String __fastcall toString(const int Value); static int __fastcall parse(const String s); static bool __fastcall TryParse(const String s, int& Value); private: int& m_Helped;
struct TUInt64Helper {
TUInt64Helper(unsigned __int64& Helped) : m_Helped(Helped) {} TUInt64Helper(const unsigned __int64& Helped) : m_Helped(const_cast<unsigned __int64&>(Helped)) {} static const int MaxValue; // = 18446744073709551615; static const int MinValue; // = 0; String __fastcall toString(); bool __fastcall ToBoolean(); String __fastcall ToHexString(); String __fastcall ToHexString(const int MinDigits); float __fastcall ToSingle(); double __fastcall ToDouble(); long double __fastcall ToExtended(); static int __fastcall Size(); static String __fastcall toString(const unsigned __int64 Value); static unsigned __int64 __fastcall parse(const String s); static bool __fastcall TryParse(const String s, unsigned __int64& Value); private: unsigned __int64& m_Helped;
struct TInt64Helper {
TInt64Helper(__int64& Helped) : m_Helped(Helped) {} TInt64Helper(const __int64& Helped) : m_Helped(const_cast<__int64&>(Helped)) {} static const int MaxValue; // = 9223372036854775807; static const int MinValue; // = -9223372036854775808; String __fastcall toString(); bool __fastcall ToBoolean(); String __fastcall ToHexString(); String __fastcall ToHexString(const int MinDigits); float __fastcall ToSingle(); double __fastcall ToDouble(); long double __fastcall ToExtended(); static int __fastcall Size(); static String __fastcall toString(const __int64 Value); static __int64 __fastcall parse(const String s); static bool __fastcall TryParse(const String s, __int64& Value); private: __int64& m_Helped;
struct TNativeUIntHelper {
TNativeUIntHelper(NativeUInt& Helped) : m_Helped(Helped) {} TNativeUIntHelper(const NativeUInt& Helped) : m_Helped(const_cast<NativeUInt&>(Helped)) {} static const int MaxValue; // = 4294967295; static const int MinValue; // = 0; String __fastcall toString(); bool __fastcall ToBoolean(); String __fastcall ToHexString(); String __fastcall ToHexString(const int MinDigits); float __fastcall ToSingle(); double __fastcall ToDouble(); long double __fastcall ToExtended(); static int __fastcall Size(); static String __fastcall toString(const NativeUInt Value); static NativeUInt __fastcall parse(const String s); static bool __fastcall TryParse(const String s, NativeUInt& Value); private: NativeUInt& m_Helped;
struct TNativeIntHelper {
TNativeIntHelper(NativeInt& Helped) : m_Helped(Helped) {} TNativeIntHelper(const NativeInt& Helped) : m_Helped(const_cast<NativeInt&>(Helped)) {} static const int MaxValue; // = 2147483647; static const int MinValue; // = -2147483648; String __fastcall toString(); bool __fastcall ToBoolean(); String __fastcall ToHexString(); String __fastcall ToHexString(const int MinDigits); float __fastcall ToSingle(); double __fastcall ToDouble(); long double __fastcall ToExtended(); static int __fastcall Size(); static String __fastcall toString(const NativeInt Value); static NativeInt __fastcall parse(const String s); static bool __fastcall TryParse(const String s, NativeInt& Value); private: NativeInt& m_Helped;
/*$SCOPEDENUMS ON*/ enum TUseBoolStrs {False, True };
struct TBooleanHelper {
TBooleanHelper(bool& Helped) : m_Helped(Helped) {} TBooleanHelper(const bool& Helped) : m_Helped(const_cast<bool&>(Helped)) {} int __fastcall toInteger(); String __fastcall toString(TUseBoolStrs UseBoolStrs = TUseBoolStrs::False); static int __fastcall Size(); static String __fastcall toString(const bool Value, TUseBoolStrs UseBoolStrs = TUseBoolStrs::False); static bool __fastcall parse(const String s); static bool __fastcall TryToParse(const String s, bool& Value); private: bool& m_Helped;
struct TByteBoolHelper {
TByteBoolHelper(unsigned char& Helped) : m_Helped(Helped) {} TByteBoolHelper(const unsigned char& Helped) : m_Helped(const_cast<unsigned char&>(Helped)) {} int __fastcall toInteger(); String __fastcall toString(); static int __fastcall Size(); static String __fastcall toString(const bool Value); static bool __fastcall parse(const String s); static bool __fastcall TryToParse(const String s, bool& Value); private: unsigned char& m_Helped;
struct TWordBoolHelper {
TWordBoolHelper(unsigned short& Helped) : m_Helped(Helped) {} TWordBoolHelper(const unsigned short& Helped) : m_Helped(const_cast<unsigned short&>(Helped)) {} int __fastcall toInteger(); String __fastcall toString(); static int __fastcall Size(); static String __fastcall toString(const bool Value); static bool __fastcall parse(const String s); static bool __fastcall TryToParse(const String s, bool& Value); private: unsigned short& m_Helped;
struct TLongBoolHelper {
TLongBoolHelper(BOOL& Helped) : m_Helped(Helped) {} TLongBoolHelper(const BOOL& Helped) : m_Helped(const_cast<BOOL&>(Helped)) {} int __fastcall toInteger(); String __fastcall toString(); static int __fastcall Size(); static String __fastcall toString(const bool Value); static bool __fastcall parse(const String s); static bool __fastcall TryToParse(const String s, bool& Value); private: BOOL& m_Helped;
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