Initializing arrays

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What is translated > Types > Arrays > Initializing arrays


The initialization of arrays in Delphi and C++ looks very similar. For example the initialization of an array of TStyleRecord's:


TStyleRecord = record

  Name    : string;

  Color   : TColor;

  Style   : TFontStyles;


TStylesArray = array[0 .. 2] of TStyleRecord;



might be: 


DefaultStyles : TStylesArray = (

 (Name : 'tnone';    Color : clBlack;  Style :  []),

 (Name : 'tstring';  Color : clMaroon; Style :  []),

 (Name : 'tcomment'; Color : clNavy;   Style :  [fsItalic])



With the C++11 std::initializer_list there is a simple equivalent in C++:



#define arrayinit__0 TSet<int, 0, 255>()

#define arrayinit__1 TSet<int, 0, 255>()

#define arrayinit__2 (TSet<int, 0, 255>() << fsItalic)



const TStylesArray DefaultStyles = {{_T("tnone"), clBlack, arrayinit__0}, 

{_T("tstring"), clMaroon, arrayinit__1}, 

{_T("tcomment"), clNavy, arrayinit__2}};



In C++98 this was not possible, because all elements in such lists had to be C built in types.


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