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What is translated > Types > Records, Classes, Interfaces > Interfaces


In Delphi interface types can be defined like in the following lines of code:



IConverter = interface


  function convert(Source : String): String;



TConverter = class(TInterfacedObject, IConverter)



  function convert(Source : String): String;




For C++Builder the special macro "__interface" macro:


#define __interface struct  // in sysmac.h


is used instead of the class keyword  to mark interfaces:




__interface INTERFACE_UUID("{ GUID}" ) IConverter


  virtual String __fastcall convert(String Source);



class TConverter : public TInterfacedObject, public IConverter



  String __fastcall convert(String Source);




However there will be a linker error like "unresolved vtable", if such an interface is used. If you create a small pas file for the interface, add it to the C++Builder project and remove the C++ definition for the interface, C++Builder will create a header file for the interface file automatically, which you can include then. Example pas file:


unit Recyclable;





    IRecyclable = Interface(IInterface)

      function GetIsRecyclable : Boolean;

      property isRecyclable : Boolean read GetIsRecyclable;









#include "Recyclable.hpp"


Now the project will compile without linker error.



Visual C++ also knows this keyword, but the GUID has to be written differently:



[ uuid( "GUID" ) ]

__interface IConverter


  virtual String convert(String Source);



class TConverter : public TInterfacedObject, IConverter



  String convert(String Source);




At other compilers, which have not the interface extension, multiple inheritance can be used instead, As explained here:



the interface class needs a virtual destructor and the methods should be public and declared abstract:



//[ uuid( "GUID" ) ]

class IConverter



  virtual ~IConverter() {}

  virtual String convert(String Source) = 0;



class TConverter : public TInterfacedObject, IConverter



  String convert(String Source);




GUID's cannot be used here. Under Microsoft Windows GUID's are used for COM purposes.



















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