non virtual class methods

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What is translated > Types > Records, Classes, Interfaces > Class > class methods > non virtual class methods

Delphi non virtual class methods are converted to C++ static methods. They can be called through a class reference or an object reference:




 TBase = class(TObject)


    class function ClassMethod(xi: Integer): Integer;






  pBase: TBase;

  i : Integer;


  i := TBase.ClassMethod(0);  // calling through a class reference

  // ...

  i := pBase.ClassMethod(0);  // calling through an object reference



This is translated in the following way:



class TBase: public TObject {

  static int __fastcall ClassMethod( int xi );





TBase* pBase = NULL;

int i = 0;

TBase::ClassMethod(0);  // calling through a class reference

// ...

pBase->ClassMethod(0);  // calling through an object reference






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