Open array parameters

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What is translated > Types > Arrays > Array parameters > Open array parameters


The concept of open arrays allow arrays of different sizes to be passed to the same procedure or function.


function Sum(Arr: Array of Integer): Integer;


 i: Integer;


  Result := 0;

  for i := Low(Arr) to High(Arr) do 

    Result := Result + Arr[i];




In C++ there is no counterpart to the function High, which typically is needed to use the open array. Therefore in C++ the value of the upper bound of the open array has to be passed together with a pointer to the first element of the array.


For C++Builder:


int __fastcall Sum( const int * Arr, int Arr_maxidx )


  int result;

  int i;

  result = 0;

  for ( i = 0 /* Low( Arr )*/; i <= Arr_maxidx /* High( Arr )*/; i++)

    result = result + Arr[i];

  return result;



For other compilers a vector is passed:


int Sum(const std::vector<int> Arr)


  int result = 0;

  int i = 0;

  int stop = 0;

  result = 0;

  for(stop = (int) Arr.size() - 1 /*# High(Arr) */, i = 0 /*# Low(Arr) */; i <= stop; i++)


    result = result + Arr[i];


  return result;



If a temporary set of values is passed as open array parameter to a function, a corresponding array is produced in the C++ output, which is put in front of the function call.



The function call




is converted for C++ Builder by use of the OPENARRAY macro, which is defined in sysopen.h:


Sum(OPENARRAY(int, (1, 2, 3)));


For other compilers the call is simply converted to


Sum({1, 2, 3});


A special case of open array parameters is the use as var-parameter



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