Comments (*#_ ... _#*)

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Delphi2Cpp II interprets the extended Delphi brackets (*#_ ... _#*) in a special way. A text in such brackets is taken unchanged into the C++ code.


For example an additional header is included into the C++ code by the following line:


(*#_#include "math.h"_#*)


#include "math.h"



Remark: in the first version of Delphi2Cpp program these parenthesis were defined as (*_ ... _*). This led to errors in code like in WinAPI.DXGI1_2.pas:


    function GetDisplayModeList1(

      (* [in] *) EnumFormat: DXGI_FORMAT;

      (* [in] *) Flags: UINT;

      (*_Inout_*) var pNumModes: UINT;

      (*_Out_writes_to_opt_(*pNumModes,*pNumModes)*) out pDes: DXGI_MODE_DESC1): HRESULT; stdcall;





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