Substitution options |
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User interface > Translation options > Substitution options
The substitution options are part of the translation options and allow to edit lists of identifiers which are used for different kinds of substitutions during the translation process.
There are two possibilities how the pre-processor can substitute identifiers.
The pre-processor does its work, before the Delphi parser starts. Therefore, you have to take care, that the pre-processor substitutions leave the Delphi code intact. On the contrary
Substitutions of helper names are useful for C++Builder users to synchronize numbered helper names for enumeration types in the C++ code of C++Builder on one side and of Delphi2Cpp II on the other side. For example System::Sysutils.hpp contains the following definition:
enum DECLSPEC_DENUM System_Sysutils__85 : unsigned char { rfReplaceAll, rfIgnoreCase };
but when Delphi2Cpp II parses System.SysUtils.pas, it generates
enum SysutilsEnum__0 {rfReplaceAll, rfIgnoreCase };
With the option to substitute helper names, SysutilsEnum__0 automatically can be substituted by System_Sysutils__85. .
If you create C++ code for another compiler than C++Builder all properties are replaced by pairs of functions. You can change the prefixes for the function names here.
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