with-statements |
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What is translated > Statements > with-statements
In C++ there are no with-statements. Therefore Delphi2Cpp II inserts a temporary helping variable of the with-type. This type is easily obtained by use of the C++11 auto keyword:
type TDate = record -> struct TDate { Day: Integer; int Day; Month: Integer; int Month; Year: Integer; int Year; end; };
procedure test(OrderDate: TDate); void Test(TDate OrderDate) begin { with OrderDate do /*# with OrderDate do */ if Month = 12 then { begin auto& with0 = OrderDate; Month := 1; if(with0.Month == 12) Year := Year + 1; { end with0.Month = 1; else with0.Year = with0.Year + 1; Month := Month + 1; } end; else with0.Month = with0.Month + 1; } }
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