Containers and parameters

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Examples > Unit_dependence > Containers and parameters


At first the program must be told, in which directories the units have to be to looked up.  So a Vector container is defined on the page for the class elements


vstr m_vIncludeDirs


The user has to add the according directories to this vector, before he starts the program. E.G.





The found files must be noticed someplace. So a mstrstr container is defined:


mstrstr m_mUnitPaths


To every name of a unit as a key the accompanying path as value can be stored in this map. Then later can be found out easily whether a unit already was searched, when it appears again in another unit.





The case that the path isn't found also must be noticed to not look for it once more. Therefore there is a second map:


mstrnode m_mNotFoundUnits


Mstrnode is chosen here as a container type. Two strings which could be of interest can be stored to the node value at once: the unit, in which the not found unit was listed and a level parameter, which tells how many files must be opened to come to the unit from the original source file.


To attain these two information, the productions mentioned above must be provided with corresponding parameters.


int xiLevel, const str& xsLookedUpWhere


The first unit production is then called with the current values in the start rule:


unit_dependence ::=


str sWhereFound = basename(SourceName());


unit[0, sWhereFound]





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