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Scripts > Class elements and c++ instructions > Interpreted C++ instructions > C++


Some general remarks for programming newcomers:


C++ is a well-known very complex programming language. A simple sub set of this language, which is especially usefully to process text and which is understandable for programming newcomers, is integrated into the TextTransformer.


Generally a program consists in a sequence of instructions, which will be executed one after the other. Instructions mostly operate on data and data are represented by variables. For example: a variable with the name T could contain the text "tetra" and the instruction to_upper_copy(T) would transform this text into the upper case "TETRA".


C++ distinguishes different types of data, i.e. different types of variables represent different kinds of content. These types sometimes can be converted to each other, sometimes not. For example, a text is not a number. The attempt to convert the text  "TETRA" into a number makes no sense. In a programming language, which don't use types such a conversion would be allowed and would have unpredictable consequences. In this respect c++ is more save. The disadvantage is a little bit more work for the programmer: variables must be declared before they can be used.

This page belongs to the TextTransformer Documentation

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