C++Builder __classid

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What is translated > class-reference type > C++Builder __classid

C++Builder has as counterpart to Delphi's TClass:


typedef TMetaClass* TClass


A Delphi class reference type is defined as TClass in C++Builder:


type TBaseClass = class of TBase;




typedef System::TMetaClass TBaseClass;



Variables of this type can be defined and classes can be assigned to them. For C++Builder the __classid function is a special extension, to get class references.



 p : TBase; 

 bc :TBaseClass;


 bc := p;  




TBase* p = nullptr;

TBaseClass bc = nullptr;

bc = __classid(p);



With such class references code such as:


  ClassRef := Sender.ClassType;


  while ClassRef <> NIL do


    s := ClassRef.ClassName);

    ClassRef := ClassRef.ClassParent;



can be translated pretty well as:


TClass ClassRef = Sender->ClassType();


while(ClassRef != nullptr)


  s = ClassRef->ClassName();

  ClassRef = ClassRef->ClassParent();




It is not possible however, to create an instance of a class from such a TClass. To do that, a small Delphi unit has to be added to the C++Builder project. The unit CreateClass.pas, which is delivered with Delphi2Cpp contains the simple function:


function CreateObject(C: TClass) : TObject;


  Result := C.Create();



When this unit is added to a C++Builder project, automatically a C++ header file "CreateClass.hpp" is created with the declaration:


extern DELPHI_PACKAGE System::TObject* __fastcall CreateObject(System::TClass C);  


That function can be used now in the C++ code to create class instances from class references:


function make(Base: TBaseClass): TBase;


  result := Base.Create;               





TBase* make(TBaseClass* Base)         


  TBase* result = nullptr;             

  result = (TFBase*) CreateObject(Base);            

  return result;                        



If the class referenc of a class which is derived from TBase is passed to the make-function an instance of that class will be created.


p := make(TDerived); :




P = make(__classid(TDerived));





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