array of const

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What is translated > Types > Arrays > Array parameters > array of const

"Array of const" parameters look similar to open array parameters.


procedure foo(Args : array of const);


However, while all elements of an open array have the same type,  elements of different types can be passed as an array of const. Indeed the array of const is an open array of TVarRec elements and TVarRec is a variant type which which can contain the single values of different types.

For C# TVarRec hasn't to be re-coded. Because in C# all value types can be converted to object, object can be used instead of TVarRec.


procedure foo(Args : array of const)

begin end;




public static void foo(object[] Args)





A following complex example is from:



function VarRecToStr( AVarRec : TVarRec ) : string;


    bool : array[boolean] of string = ('False', 'True');


    case AVarRec.VType of

      vtInteger:    result := IntToStr(AVarRec.VInteger);

      vtBoolean:    result := bool[AVarRec.VBoolean];

      vtChar:       result := AVarRec.VChar;

      vtExtended:   result := FloatToStr(AVarRec.VExtended^);

      vtString:     result := AVarRec.VString^;

      // vtPointer

      vtPChar:      result := AVarRec.VPChar;

      vtObject:     result := AVarRec.VObject.ClassName;

      vtClass:      result := AVarRec.VClass.ClassName;

      vtWideChar:   result := AVarRec.VWideChar;

      //vtPWideChar:  Result := AVarRec.PWideChar^;

      vtAnsiString: result := string(AVarRec.VAnsiString);

      vtCurrency:   result := CurrToStr(AVarRec.VCurrency^);

      vtVariant:    result := string(AVarRec.VVariant^);

      //vtInterface:     (VInterface: Pointer);

      vtWideString: result := string(AVarRec.VWideString);

      //vtInt64:      Result := AVarRec.PInt64^;

      vtUnicodeString: result := string(AVarRec.VUnicodeString);

      //Reserved1: NativeInt;

      //VType:      Byte;


      result := '';




function VarArrayToStr( AVarArray : array of const ) : string;


    i : Integer;


    result := '';

    for i := 0 to High(AVarArray) do

      result := result + VarRecToStr( AVarArray[i] );




procedure foo;


  s : string;


  s := VarArrayToStr([1, true, 'a', 1.2, 'hello']);



The conversion to an object is implicit and it's called boxing. The reverse unboxing operation, the conversion of an objet to the contained value type, is explicit, that means for each value type the an according cast has to be done.



public static string VarRecToStr(object AVarRec)


  string result = string.Empty;

  string[] bools = new string[2/*# boolean*/]{"False", "True"};



    case  vtInteger:

    result = (((int)AVarRec)).ToString();


    case  vtBoolean:

    result = bools[Convert.ToInt32(((bool)AVarRec))];


    case  vtChar:

    result = ((char)AVarRec).ToString();


    case  vtExtended:

    result = FloatToStr(((double)AVarRec));


    case  vtString:

    result = ((string)AVarRec);


      // vtPointer

    case  vtPChar:

    result = ((string)AVarRec);


    case  vtObject:

    result = AVarRec.ClassName;


    case  vtClass:

    result = AVarRec.ClassName;


    case  vtWideChar:

    result = ((char)AVarRec).ToString();


      //vtPWideChar:  Result := AVarRec.PWideChar^;

    case  vtAnsiString:

    result = ((string) ((string)AVarRec));


    case  vtCurrency:

    result = CurrToStr(((decimal)AVarRec));


    case  vtVariant:

    result = ((string) AVarRec);


      //vtInterface:     (VInterface: Pointer);

    case  vtWideString:

    result = ((string) ((string)AVarRec));


      //vtInt64:      Result := AVarRec.PInt64^;

    case  vtUnicodeString:

    result = ((string) ((string)AVarRec));


      //Reserved1: NativeInt;

      //VType:      Byte;


    result = "";



  return result;



public static string VarArrayToStr(object[] AVarArray)


  string result = string.Empty;

  int i = 0;

  int stop = 0;

  result = "";

  for(stop = AVarArray.Length - 1 /*# High(AVarArray) */, i = 0; i <= stop; i++)


    result = result + VarRecToStr(AVarArray[i]);


  return result;



public static void foo()


  string s = string.Empty;

  s = VarArrayToStr(new object[]{1, true, 'a', 1.2D, "hello"});



There are ambiguous cases however. For example in C# the different string types are nor distinguished. Delphi2C# cannot decide, which string case is the best. Here manual post-Processing is necessary.









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