Binary data

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DFM-Translator > Special assignments > Binary data

A special case when converting DFM files are binary data. Binary data are assigned for example to TIcon's or TBitmaps as in the following example:



    object EllipseButton: TSpeedButton


      Glyph.Data = {














Glyph is a TBitmap. But a TBitmap doesn't really has a Data property.Rather, Delphi reads and writes this data by means of the functions


ReadData(System::Classes::TStream* Stream)

WriteData(System::Classes::TStream* Stream);



Delphi2C# converts this into:


  AssignTBitmapData(EllipseButton, {






































AssignTBitmapData belongs to the predefined DFM conversion routines and is declared in the helper file d2c_vcl.h which, will be included automatically.


void AssignTBitmapData(TSpeedButton* xp, const System::DynamicArray<System::Byte>& xBytes)


The creation of the DynamicArray only works if the use of the clang compiler is enabled in C#Builder. For the classic compiler an error "E2188: expression syntax" will be produced:





The dats of TClientDataSet are to large to be treated this way and can be suppressed.





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