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What is translated > File layout > Comments


All comments are output essentially unchanged at the corresponding positions. Line comments remain totally unchanged, while bracketing is translated from










Sometimes there are difficulties to output comments at the desired positions. The following example shows on the right side what Delphi2C# does with the Delphi source on the left side:



unit comments;                                    using static comments.commentsInterface; 

                                                  using static comments.commentsImplementation;              

                                                  using System;                                     

interface                                         using static System.SystemInterface;


                                                  namespace comments                                               

type                                              {                                                 

  TFoo = class                                      public class TFoo : TObject                  

  private                                           {                                                          

    function foo : boolean;                                                                                       

  end;                                              /*-------------------------                                     

                                                    Name   :                                                   

                                                    Result :                                                        


                                                    private bool foo()                                             


                                                      bool result = false;                                              

                                                      result = true;                                      

                                                      return result;                                                     



                                                    public TFoo() {}                                                 




                                                  Name   : Foo2                                                      

                                                  Result :                                           


  function foo2: boolean;                         public static bool foo2()                              


                                                    bool result = false;                             

                                                    return result;                                   



                                                  } // class commentsInterface                        



                                                  public class commentsImplementation                

var                                               {                                                  

  bar : integer = 0;  // comment to bar                                                    

                                                    public static int bar = 0;  // comment to bar      


Name   :                                          } // class commentsImplementation                  

Result :                                                                                   

---------------------------*)                     }  // namespace comments                           

function boolean;             


  result := true;                       





Name   : Foo2                           

Result :                                


function foo2: boolean;                 








The Delphi member function declaration foo and its definition in C# are combined into one text at the position of the original declaration. A comment before the definition has to be shifted to that place too. The same applies to  the declaration and definition of the free function foo2. The comment to the variable bar is output directly behind of the variable declaration. Sometimes Delphi2C# cannot clearly decide, which comment line belongs to a multi line comment in front of a function definition and a comment which explains an entity afterwards. For the second case Delphi2C# only takes single line comments, which follow directly on a statement.






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