for loop's

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What is translated > Statements > for loop's


In Delphi there are for-loops where a variable is incremented or decremented to or down to a special value and there are for-in loops. For the first kind of loops the for-loop parameters are evaluated only once, before the loop runs. This complicates a correct translation to C# a little bit. The number of loops in the following example is determined by the variable n:



procedure test;


  I, n : Integer


  n := 10;

  for I:=1 to n do 



    n := 11;




A straightforward translation of this code would be;


int I = 0, n = 0;

n = 10;

for ( I = 1; I <= n; I++)



  n = 11;



However, in C# an additional loop would be executed, because n is changed in the loop and the number of loops is recalculated with this new value. Therefore a correct translation has to remember the original loop count like in the following code:


int I = 0, n = 0;

n = 10;

for ( int stop = n, I = 1; I <= stop; I++)



  n = 11;




Delphi2C# can produce both code variants, depending on the option to Use "stop" variable in for-loop or not..

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