Frequent re-translation

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Pretranslated C# code > Preparing Delphi code > Frequent re-translation


Users who like to continue to develop their Delphi code and in parallel also need the C# code updated certainly don't want to post-process the generated code again and again. Therefore Delphi2C# offers the possibility to prepare the Delphi source code such, that Delphi2C# will reproduce the corrected code fragments. These fragments either can be inserted as special comments (*#_ ... _#*) or can be hidden by conditional compilation with use of the predefined identifier CSHARP. In fact the second method is based on the first, because the Delphi2C# pre-processor converts the CSHARP part into the special comments  and the Delphi2C# translator than simply removes the special brackets (*#_ ... _#*).




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