List items

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DFM-Translator > Special assignments > Lists > List items

Examples of components with list properties are TListBox, TComboBox, etc. The elements that are assigned to a combo box, for example, are put in parenthesis in a DFM file, like:


  object ComboBox1: TComboBox


    Items.Strings = (






By default, this is translated by Delphi2C# in the following way:


  ComboBox1 = new TComboBox(this);






Here too, Delphi2C# can be configured to output special assignment functions. With TComboBox as type and Items as name part results:


  ComboBox1 = new TComboBox(this);


  AssignTComboBoxItems(ComboBox1, L"first", 0);

  AssignTComboBoxItems(ComboBox1, L"second", 1);


Here the assignment procedure a third parameter is passed, which is the number of the list value.


The type of the Items property is TStrings and TStrings has the property:


property Strings[Index: Integer]: string read Get write Put; default;



So also an assignment procedure for all TStrings can be defined:


  ComboBox1 = new TComboBox(this);


  AssignTStringsStrings(ComboBox1->Items, L"first", 0);

  AssignTStringsStrings(ComboBox1->Items, L"second", 1);



However, this procedure would be applied to all TStrings, not just those from TComboBox, and it would not be applied if AssignTComboBoxItems also existed.




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