Sets |
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What is translated > Types > Sets
A Delphi set is simulated in the C# VCL by the class TSet in DelphiSets.cs.
public class TSet : IEnumerable
Every TSet consists of 256 bits, which can be set or unset.
var CharSet: set Of 'a'..'z'; NumberSet: set Of 1..10;
private static TSet CharSet = new TSet(); private static TSet NumberSet = new TSet();
A set is created on the fly, if there is no explicit type-declaration of a set, as e.g. in:
MySet := ['a','b','c'];
MySet = new TSet() << 'a' << 'b' << 'c';
An example of a set constant is:
type TDay = (dMon, dTue, dWed, dThu, dFri, dSat, dSun);
const cDays: set Of TDay = [dMon .. dSun];
public enum TDay {dMon, dTue, dWed, dThu, dFri, dSat, dSun };
public static TSet cDays = TSet() << (int) dMon << (int) dTue << (int) dWed << (int) dThu << (int) dFri << (int) dSat << (int) dSun;
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