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New features since Delphi 7 > Class helpers > this ref For record helpers the the "this" parameter is passed by reference. This allows to change the helped type itself as in the following example:
TRec = record X, Y: Double; end;
TRecHelper = record helper for TRec public procedure Add(Y: Double); end;
procedure TRecHelper.Add(Y: Double); begin X := X + Y; end;
public static void Add(this ref TRec helped, double Y) { helped.X = helped.X + Y; }
A call of the Add-Function with a value of 10 will increment the value of the X-field of the record.
var R: TRec; begin R.X := 10; R.Add(R, 10); // => R.X = 20
TRec R = TRec.CreateRecord(); R.X = 10; R.Add(R, 10);
A this-parameter of an extension method may not be passed by reference however, if the helped type is a class. See:
In this case Delpi2C# writes the following warning:
/*#helped will not be changed!*/
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