Base types

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New features since Delphi 7 > Generics > Base types



The base type of a parameterized class or interface type might be an actual type or a constructed type




    TFoo1<T> = class(TBar)            // Actual type



    TFoo2<T> =  class(TBar2<T>)       // Open constructed type



    TFoo3<T> = class(TBar3<Integer>)  // Closed constructed type





            // Actual type


template<typename T>

class TFoo1 : public TBar


  typedef TBar inherited;



       // Open constructed type


template<typename T>

class TFoo2 : public TBar2<T>


  typedef TBar2<T> inherited;



  // Closed constructed type


template<typename T>

class TFoo3 : public TBar3<int>


  typedef TBar3<int> inherited;





Class, interface, record, and array types can be declared with type parameters.



   TRecord<T> = record

     FData: T;




   IAncestor<T> = interface

     function GetRecord: TRecord<T>;



   IFoo<T> = interface(IAncestor<T>)

     procedure AMethod(Param: T);




   TFoo<T> = class(TObject, IFoo<T>)

     FField: TRecord<T>;

     procedure AMethod(Param: T);

     function GetRecord: TRecord<T>;




   anArray<T>= array of T;

   intArray= anArray<Integer>;





template<typename T>

struct TRecord


  T FData;


template<typename T>

class IAncestor



  virtual ~IAncestor() {}

  virtual TRecord<T> GetRecord() = 0;


template<typename T>

class IFoo : public IAncestor<T>



  virtual ~IFoo() {}

  virtual void AMethod(T Param) = 0;



template<typename T>

class TFoo : public System::TObject, IFoo<T>


  typedef System::TObject inherited;


  TRecord<T> FField;

  void AMethod(T Param);

  TRecord<T> GetRecord();


  TFoo() {}


template<typename T> using anArray = std::vector<T>;

typedef anArray<int> intArray;









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