Nested types |
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New features since Delphi 7 > Generics > Nested types
A nested type within a generic is itself a generic.
type TFoo<T> = class type TBar = class X: Integer; // ... end; end;
// ... TBaz = class type TQux<T> = class X: Integer; // ... end; // ... end;
var n: TFoo<Double>.TBar;
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- template<typename T> class TFoo : public System::TObject { typedef System::TObject inherited; friend class TBaz; public: // ... //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- class TBar : public System::TObject { typedef System::TObject inherited; public: int X; void InitMembers(){X = 0;} public: TBar() {InitMembers();} };
public: TFoo() {} };
// ... //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- class TBaz : public System::TObject { typedef System::TObject inherited; //# template<typename T> friend class TFoo; public: // ... //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- template<typename T> class TQux : public System::TObject { typedef System::TObject inherited; public: int X; void InitMembers(){X = 0;} public: TQux() {InitMembers();} };
// ... public: TBaz() {} };
extern TFoo<double>::TBar* n;
A generic can also be declared within a regular class as a nested type:
type TOuter = class type TData<T> = class FFoo1: TFoo<Integer>; // declared with closed constructed type FFoo2: TFoo<T>; // declared with open constructed type FFooBar1: TFoo<Integer>.TBar; // declared with closed constructed type FFooBar2: TFoo<T>.TBar; // declared with open constructed type FBazQux1: TBaz.TQux<Integer>; // declared with closed constructed type FBazQux2: TBaz.TQux<T>; // declared with open constructed type //... end; var FIntegerData: TData<Integer>; FStringData: TData<String>; end;
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- class TOuter : public System::TObject { typedef System::TObject inherited; public: //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- template<typename T> class TData : public System::TObject { typedef System::TObject inherited; public: TFoo<int>* FFoo1; TFoo<T>* FFoo2; TFoo<int>::TBar* FFooBar1; // doesn't compile: TFoo<T>::TBar* FFooBar2; TBaz::TQux<int>* FBazQux1; TBaz::TQux<T>* FBazQux2; //... public: TData() {} }; TData<int>* FIntegerData; TData<System::String>* FStringData; public: TOuter() {} };
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