node / dnode

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Scripts > Class elements and c++ instructions > Interpreted C++ instructions > node / dnode




node <identifier> ;

dnode <identifier> ;




The types node and dnode are designating the structure of a tree node. Such a node consists in a first string - the label - to identify the kind of the node and a second string, which contains a value. A special property of nodes is, that they can be combined to a common tree structure.


node and dnode nearly have the  same interface and therefore can be used analogously. The difference is discussed below.


According to these properties nodes can be used in the TextTransformer:


as a container to store single data
as parse tree to represent the grammatical structure of the whole input text


The names and relations of the nodes are explained in the glossary.


Node-instances have special properties: they are reference counted pointers. If a node is assigned to a different, a change of the value (or label) of one of these nodes will result in a change of the value (or label) of the other too.




node n1("label1", "value1");

node n2("label2", "value2");

n1 = n2;


// now as well n1 as n2 have the label "label3" and the value "value2"


A tree exists as long as there exists a reference to one of its nodes.



The node function are listed into the following chapters:






dnode specials




This page belongs to the TextTransformer Documentation

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