Translation options |
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User interface > Translation manager > Translation options If you like to use the translation manager for the translation of your source files, you have to decide where the resulting files shall be written. The edit box for the target path which is shown in the picture below, is shown in your application only, if you have selected an option to write the resulting files into a different place as the source files.
If case two or three are selected the field for the target folder/root is shown and a dialog for the selection of a the target directory can be opened by the
If target files shall be written outside of the common target path/root, the checkbox to allow individual file names or folders can be enabled. In that case an additional column for individual targets are shown on the source page.
At the top of this options page either a default path or the path to the currently loaded project is shown. If you save or load the source paths, they are calculated relatively to this project path. This allows the exchange the "management"-files between different drives or computers. But you have to pay attention that source folders and project path fit to each other.
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