Paths to the VCL/RTL

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User interface > Translation options > Input options > Search paths > Paths to the VCL\RTL


If you use C++ Builder, there is already a converted version of the VCL. So you don't have to translate the according files. Nevertheless the translator has to know the interface parts of the original Delphi VCL to make a correct translation of the files, which depend on the VCL. So you have to set the folders of the original or of the preprocessed VCL.These path are set as part of the input options.


There might be other files, which don't have to be converted, perhaps because you already have translated them. The paths to those files should be set here too.


The paths of the VCL may look like:


C:\Program Files (x86)\CodeGear\RAD Studio\6.0\source\Win32\vcl

C:\Program Files (x86)\CodeGear\RAD Studio\6.0\source\Win32\rtl\common

C:\Program Files (x86)\CodeGear\RAD Studio\6.0\source\Win32\rtl\sys

C:\Program Files (x86)\CodeGear\RAD Studio\6.0\source\Win32\rtl\win



If C++Builder is the target compiler, the files from these folders are included as hpp-Files. E.g.


#include <System.Classes.hpp>

#include "SynEdit.hpp"


In this case the installed SynEdit components are used. If SynEdit.pas would be translated itself, it's path would have to be set in the paths of the source files and the header would be included as:


#include "SynEdit.h"



For other compilers as C++Builder only the .h-extension is used.




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