Special VCL headers |
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User interface > Translation options > Input options > Search paths > Special VCL headers
Delphi2Cpp II tries to parse System.pas always in addition to the other included files. System.pas contains the declaration of TObject and many other frequently used functions, procedures, records and classes. If System.pas cannot be found in the specified serarch paths, a part of the content of this file is simulated. You also can include your own extended System.pas.
The following concerns translation of old Delphi code only,
In old versions of Turbo Pascal / Delphi the units WinProcs and WinTypes were used. In Delphi, these two units were merged into the single unit Windows. If these files are not found Delphi2Cpp II substitutes WinProcs and WinTypes by Windows, so that "# include <Windows.hpp>" will appear in the translated code. In addition, this file is interpreted a little differently in a C-like manner than the other pas files: structures are passed here as parameter to a function by the address of the structure and not as reference as in the other files.
foo(&StructureType) instead of foo(StructureType)
The unit BDE is used in database units, but there is no BDE.pas. The Delphi compiler doesn't need this file because there is a BDE.dcu . The interface is declared in the file BDE.int instead.Delphi2Cpp II also will look for BDE.int in the paths to the VCL/RTL The folder for this file has to be set there, e.g. C++Builder6/Doc.
The file dsgnintf.pas is called designintf.pas in the C++Builder VCL.
The namespace Windows is omitted at the translation since the corresponding functions mostly don't exist there in the C++Builder counterpart. (Also "System." in front of the Move function is left out.)
The file ShellApi.pas is treated in the same C-like manner as Window.pas.
Files like Windows.pas and ShellApi.pas are translations of the Windows files Windows.h and ShellApi.h to Delphi. They should not be translated back to C++; the original files should be used instead.
If you have difficulties with your VCL, please contact the author. |
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