main-file frame

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Code generation > Code frames > main-file frame


A main function is produced per default for a console application with the following main file frame.



//   ttmain_c.frm

//   TextTransformer C++ Support Frame

//   Copyright: Dr. Detlef Meyer-Eltz 





//   June, 2009  Version 1.7.0




#ifdef __BORLANDC__

#pragma hdrstop




#include "-->ParserHeaderName"





using namespace std; 

using namespace tetra;




typedef -->ParserClassName::string_type string_type;


void usage()


    cout << "\nParameters:\n"

            "  -s   source file\n"

            "  -t   target file\n"

         << endl;



int main(int argc, char* argv[])


  string_type sTest;

  const char* pSourceName = NULL;

  const char* pTargetName = NULL;


  if (argc < 2)



    return 1;



  int iParam;

  for(iParam = 1; iParam < argc; iParam++)


    if(argv[iParam][0] != '-')



      return 2;



    if(!strcmp(argv[iParam], "-s"))


      if(++iParam < argc)

        pSourceName = argv[iParam];



    if(!strcmp(argv[iParam], "-t"))


      if(++iParam < argc)

         pTargetName = argv[iParam];




  if(pSourceName == NULL  )



    return 3;



  if(pTargetName == NULL  )



    return 4;



  if( !-->LoadFile )


      cout << "could not load source file: " << pSourceName;

      return 5;






    cout << "could not open target file: " << pTargetName;

    return 6;



  -->PluginType plugin(fout);

  InitPluginPaths(plugin, pSourceName, pTargetName);




  -->ParserClassName Parser;




    Parser.-->StartRuleName(sTest.begin(), sTest.end(), &plugin);


  catch(CTT_ErrorExpected& xErr)


      cout << "expected: "

           << xErr.GetWhat()

           << " in "

           << xErr.GetProduction()

           << "\n";


  catch(CTT_ErrorUnexpected& xErr)


      cout << "unexpected token in: "

           << xErr.GetProduction()

           << "\n";


  catch(CTT_ParseError& xErr)


      cout << xErr.GetWhat();


  catch(CTT_Message& xErr)


    cout << xErr.what();



  catch(boost::system_error& xErr)


     cout << xErr.what();


  catch(exception& xErr)


     cout << xErr.what();


  /* xerces catches

  catch (const OutOfMemoryException&)


    cout << ccpXercesOutOfMemory;


  catch (const DOMException& e)


    cout << "xerces error code: " << e.code << endl;

    char *pMsg = XMLString::transcode(e.getMessage());

    cout << pMsg;



  catch (XMLException& e)


    char *pMsg = XMLString::transcode(e.getMessage());

    cout << pMsg;





  if( plugin.HasMessage())


    -->PluginType::ctmmsg t, tEnd = plugin.MsgEnd();

    for(t = plugin.MsgBegin(); t != tEnd; ++t)

      cout << (*t).what() << endl << endl;



  return 0;





The program expects two parameters: one for the source path and one for the target path.


There are five new placeholders in the frame which are not in the other frames








The first three placeholders are deleted if dnode isn't used in the project.



-->LoadFile is substituated by:


load_file_binary( sTest, pSourceName)


for binary open mode of the source file or by


load_file( sTest, pSourceName)



-->Ostream is substituded either by ofstream or by wofstream, depending  on the activation of the selected wide-char option and the flag ios::binary is set according to the open mode for the target file.


If dnode's are used, the  plugin-type CTT_ParseStateDomPlugin has to be set.


-->XercesInclude includes tt_xerces.h


->XercesUsingNamespace inserts the following line:


using namespace xercesc;


-->XercesInit creates an instance of CTT_Xerces and passes a pointer to it to the plugin.


  CTT_Xerces Xerces("root", "UTF-8", false, true, true, true);

  //Xerces.setDTDParams("", "", "");






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