
Price and licensensing

The price is 11000 €.

In special cases you may get a discount.
Please contact me:


Cooperation offer

There is a special cooperation offer for companies that have special translation requirements that are not fully covered by the existing product. If the company is willing to cooperate with the manufacturer of Delphi2Cpp in developing the corresponding extension, it will receive a reasonably priced packet, comprising not only the program, but also two months support (6 hours pes day), which will overcome the problems and fullfill the wishes that the company has.

program Delphi2Cpp  3300,- € 
two month fulltime support  6600,- € 
total  9900,- € 

Old Delphi2Cpp 1

There are two versions of Delphi2Cpp 1. Delphi2Cpp 1 student is offered at a price of 700,- € and the professional version costs 1500,- €.

Due to a lack of sales, Digital River terminated my account on May 10th, 2021. Please contact me directly if you want to purchase a license. Further updates of Delphi2Cpp aren't possible any more. Delphi2Cpp 2 has now taken its place.

You need a "Program ID" to register the professional version. This number is shown on the registration dialog of the test version of Delphi2Cpp (see also: help of Delphi2Cpp-> registration). Of course, if you should not have this number at your fingers at the registration, I will also create your key afterwards as soon as you have sent me the Program ID.

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"Thanks for your great work, really appreciate the work you have done on zlib and compiling ... test case."

Mattewada, Udayabhaskar
Nokia India 02/01/2021

[from case study...]

"A masterpiece -- Delphi2Cpp has exceeded all my expectations by far."

Tony Hürlimann
virtual-optima 08/20/2011

"First off, I have to say WOW! Delphi2Cpp is doing a *fantastic* job!"

Daniel Flower
linkrealms 01/15/2011

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