
  • Firmenname: t2t-soft
  • Website : testtransformer.com

The reasons why the company name "t2t-soft" under which I - Dr. Detlef Meyer-Eltz - sell my software differs from the name of the website"texttransformer" are historical. Originally, the website was only intended to sell the TextTransformer program and products that were created with it. The Delphi converters developed with the TextTransformer have become the main subject of this website. However, a company name "TextTransformer" would be inappropriate for their sale. t2t-soft, on the other hand, stands for text to text conversions and thus suits both the TextTransformer and the Delphi converters. In order to keep incoming links from the texttransformer pages, which have now been around for over twenty years, intact, the name of the website was not changed.

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"Though we have not finished the conversion yet, I'm glad that we've found you and could transform Eurocap to C++ with the help of Delphi2CB and you. (And I'm also glad that we could help you to make Delphi2CB better😉)"

Gáspár Huba

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