
Translation service

Do you want to save the costs for the acquisition of Delphi2Cpp? Then you can take advantage of the translation service. This can be of advantage, if you have only a small amount of code to translate or if you simply want to save time. Perhaps you want to study the results of the translation more exactly before you purchase the program.

Even better translation results you get with DelphiXE2Cpp11 since 2020.

The procedure at this service and the pricing are described below. The payment is then carried out via the following button.


This service offers the translation results that are immediately produced by Delphi2Cpp. In most cases a post-processing by hand will be required.

At first I need the source code. You can send it to me by e-mail.

If possible you should send me next to the files which you want to have translated all those files on which they depend (except for the Borland RTL/VCL). The translation results get all the better the more complete the code base is. Your code of course isn't used for any other purposes than for the making of the translation.

The source code is then translated by Delphi2Cpp whereupon I inform you about the success.

You then have to make the payment before you will get the C++ code from me.


The price is calculated as follows:

35. € standing charge
+ 10. € per file with respective size less than 100 kb

If the size of a file exceeds 100 KB the price is 10 € per 100 KB.

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"A masterpiece -- Delphi2Cpp has exceeded all my expectations by far."

Tony Hürlimann
virtual-optima 08/20/2011

"First off, I have to say WOW! Delphi2Cpp is doing a *fantastic* job!"

Daniel Flower
linkrealms 01/15/2011

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