This video demonstrates, how the layout for the debug mode can be changed.
view Layout (flash-video)
view Layout (java applet)
download LAYOUT executable video
This video demonstrates the creation of a converter of comma separated values into XML, by means of the "new project" wizard.
view CSV2XML (flash-video)
view CSV2XML (java applet)
download CSV2XML executable video
How to construct and evalute a parse tree is shown in this demo. It is another variant of the calculator example.
view Calculator (flash-video)
view Calculator (java applet)
download Calculator executable video
download Calculator3 project
The transformation manager can't be only used for the execution of finished projects but also can be used for debugging a new project.
view Tmgr_HTML4 (flash-video)
view Tmgr_HTML4 (java applet)
download Tmgr_HTML4 executable video
The following four videos are demonstrating at the extensive real project Cpp2Java how to operate in the TextTransformer IDE. Cpp2Java translates C++ code in Java code. Those, who don't know these programming languages also can profit from the videos if they like to learn something about the advanced techniques of the TextTransformer.
The Cpp2Java project shows that even with the standard version of TextTransformer limitations hardly are encountered, although originally the program is conceived for projects which can be done within minutes, not within months.
The restriction to the standard version was wanted by the customer The complete project - also with all its semantic parts - can be exported as C++ code, however. So the project could be extended by using all the means that the language c++ offers.
Part 1
Part 1 demonstrates the use of placeholder tokens to the reconnaissance of types, variables, functions and class names.
view Cpp2Java1 (flash-video)
view Cpp2Java1 (java applet)
download Cpp2Java1 executable video
Part 2
Part 2 is a excursion for the presentation of the look-ahead debugger.
view Cpp2Java2 (flash-video)
view Cpp2Java2 (java applet)
download Cpp2Java2 executable video
Part 3
Part 3 demonstrates the construction of trees which already have the structure of Java classes.
view Cpp2Java3 (flash-video)
view Cpp2Java3 (java applet)
download Cpp2Java3 executable video
Part 4
Part 4 shows how the Java code is generated from the trees by using function tables.
view Cpp2Java4 (flash-video)
view Cpp2Java4 (java applet)
download Cpp2Java4 executable video
This video shows at the example of a translator from Delphi to C++ how to use type information for better translation results. The video is based on the real project for the program Delphi2Cpp and it continues where Cpp2Java stopped.
view Delphi2CppTypes video

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Delphi2Cpp 2.5: Symbol names matching declaration case [more...] |
Delphi2Cpp 2.4: Updated to RAD Studio 12.1 Athens [more...] |
"...Fantastic!!!! ... You have exceeded my expectations and I love your product. We will get a
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xformix 23-02-07

I was extremely impressed with your components and tools. Not only extremely powerful but very professionally done and well documented, etc. Really quality work, congratulations
mouser (First Author, Administrator)