
A frequently used Delphi class is TStringList. The translation of the defining code in System.Classes needs little manual post-processing. The example from


compiles and works without manual post-processing. (Again, the original code has been slightly modified for the testing purpose.)

#include "dbsc_tstringlist.h"
#include "d2c_convert.h"

using namespace std;
using namespace System;
using namespace System::Classes;

namespace dbsc_tstringlist
bool TStringListTest1()
  bool result = false;
  TStringList* animals = nullptr;            // Define our string list variable
  int i = 0;
  result = true;
  // Define a string list object, and point our variable at it
  animals = new TStringList();

  // Now add some names to our list

  // Now display these animals
  // for i := 0 to animals.Count-1 do
  //  ShowMessage(animals[i]);  // animals[i] equates to animals.Strings[i]
  result = result && (animals->ReadPropertyStrings(0) == L"Cat");
  result = result && (animals->ReadPropertyStrings(1) == L"Mouse");
  result = result && (animals->ReadPropertyStrings(2) == L"Giraffe");

  // Free up the list object
  delete animals;
  return result;

bool TStringListTest2()
  bool result = false;
  TStringList* Names = nullptr;            // Define our string list variable
  String ageStr;
  int i = 0;
  int stop = 0;
  result = true;
  // Define a string list object, and point our variable at it
  Names = new TStringList();

  // Now add some names to our list
  Names->WritePropertyCommaText(L"Neil=45, Brian=63, Jim=22");

  // And now find Brian's age
  ageStr = Names->ReadPropertyValues(L"Brian");

  // Display this value
  // ShowMessage('Brians age = '+ageStr);
  result = result && (ageStr == L"63");

  // Now display all name and age pair values
  for(stop = Names->ReadPropertyCount() - 1, i = 0; i <= stop; i++)
     //ShowMessage(names.Names[i]+' is '+names.ValueFromIndex[i]);
    if(i == 0)
      result = result && (String(ustr2pwchar(Names->ReadPropertyNames(i))) == L"Neil") && (String(ustr2pwchar(Names->ReadPropertyValueFromIndex(i))) == L"45");
    if(i == 1)
      result = result && (String(ustr2pwchar(Names->ReadPropertyNames(i))) == L"Brian") && (String(ustr2pwchar(Names->ReadPropertyValueFromIndex(i))) == L"63");
    if(i == 2)
      result = result && (String(ustr2pwchar(Names->ReadPropertyNames(i))) == L"Jim") && (String(ustr2pwchar(Names->ReadPropertyValueFromIndex(i))) == L"22");

  // Free up the list object
  delete Names;
  return result;

bool TStringListTest3()
  bool result = false;
  TStringList* cars = nullptr;            // Define our string list variable
  int i = 0;
  result = true;
  // Define a string list object, and point our variable at it
  cars = new TStringList();

  // Now add some cars to our list - using the DelimitedText property
  // with overriden control variables
  cars->WritePropertyDelimiter(L' ');        // Each list item will be blank separated
  cars->WritePropertyQuoteChar(L'|');        // And each item will be quoted with |'s
  cars->WritePropertyDelimitedText(L"|Honda Jazz| |Ford Mondeo| |Jaguar \"E-type\"|");

  // Now display these cars
//  for i := 0 to cars.Count-1 do
//    ShowMessage(cars[i]);       // cars[i] equates to cars.Strings[i]
  result = result && (cars->ReadPropertyStrings(0) == L"Honda Jazz");
  result = result && (cars->ReadPropertyStrings(1) == L"Ford Mondeo");
  result = result && (cars->ReadPropertyStrings(2) == L"Jaguar \"E-type\"");

  // Free up the list object
  delete cars;
  return result;

bool TStringListTest()
  bool result = false;
  result = true;
  result = result && TStringListTest1();
  result = result && TStringListTest2();
  result = result && TStringListTest3();
  return result;
}  // namespace dbsc_tstringlist

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