There is no counterpart to class/record helpers in C++. However it is possible to translate Delphi code using class helpers to C++. This is demonstrated at the following example:
TStringsHelper = class Helper for TBase private function GetTheObject(const AString: String): TObject; procedure SetTheObject(const AString: String; const Value: TObject); public property ObjectFor[const AString : String]: TObject Read GetTheObject Write SetTheObject; end;
becomes with Delphi2Cpp 2.x for C++Builder to
class TStringsHelper { public: TStringsHelper(TBase* xpClass) : m_pClass(xpClass) {} private: TObject* __fastcall GetTheObject(const String& AString); void __fastcall SetTheObject(String& AString, TObject* Value); public: __property TObject* ObjectFor[const String& AString] = { read = GetTheObject, write = SetTheObject }; private: TBase* m_pClass; };
Of course, for other compilers than C++Builder the properties become setter and getter functions. If S is an instance of TBase, an assignment of a TObject like:
S.ObjectFor['a'] := Object;
becomes to:
TStringsHelper(s).ObjectFor[L"a"] = Object;
The trick is, that functions calls of the helper class are redirected to calls of the helped class inside of a local instance of the helper class. For example the setter method of TStringHelper might look like:
void __fastcall TStringsHelper::SetTheObject(String& AString, TObject* Value) { int idx = 0; idx = m_pClass->IndexOf(AString); if(idx >- 1) m_pClass->Objects[idx] = Value; }

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