Since Delphi 7 the abilities of records have been expanded to more class-like structures with properties, methods and nested types. Example:
type TMyRecord = record type TInnerColorType = Integer; var Red: Integer; class var Blue: Integer; procedure printRed(); constructor Create(val: Integer); property RedProperty: TInnerColorType read Red write Red; class property BlueProp: TInnerColorType read Blue write Blue; end;
constructor TMyRecord.Create(val: Integer); begin Red := val; end;
procedure TMyRecord.printRed; begin Writeln('Red: ', Red); end;
Delphi2Cpp 2.x converts these new features for C++Builder to:
struct TMyRecord { typedef int TInnerColorType; int Red; static int Blue; void __fastcall printRed(); __fastcall TMyRecord(int val); __property TInnerColorType RedProperty = { read = Red, write = Red }; /*static */__property TInnerColorType BlueProp = { read = Blue, write = Blue };
TMyRecord() {}
int TMyRecord::Blue = 0;
__fastcall TMyRecord::TMyRecord(int val)
: Red(val)
void __fastcall TMyRecord::printRed() { { Write(L"Red: "); WriteLn(Red); }; }
And for other compilers it becomes:
struct TMyRecord { typedef int TInnerColorType; int Red; static int Blue; void printRed(); TMyRecord(int val); /*property RedProperty : TInnerColorType read Red write Red;*/ TInnerColorType ReadPropertyRedProperty() { return Red;} void WritePropertyRedProperty(int Value){Red = Value;} /*property BlueProp : TInnerColorType read Blue write Blue;*/ static TInnerColorType ReadPropertyBlueProp() { return Blue;} static void WritePropertyBlueProp(int Value){Blue = Value;} void InitMembers(){Red = 0;}
TMyRecord() {InitMembers();}
int TMyRecord::Blue = 0;
TMyRecord::TMyRecord(int val)
: Red(val)
void TMyRecord::printRed()
{ Write(L"Red: "); WriteLn(Red); };
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